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Agency: Dream Syndicate
Client: Benchworks
Category: ARVR

“We partnered with Dream Syndicate to develop an interactive AR experience for our client’s sales team to use as an educational tool with HCPs and patients. With their expertise and our strategic and creative guidance, we were able to collaborate and deliver a truly immersive experience to show the progression of disease in the knee and the clinical attributes of HA injections.” “Benchworks”
Designed to launch from printed materials in doctors offices, the OA of the Knee experience was tailor made to reach the right audience in the best location – ultimately generating increased conversation around treatment options that drastically improve the quality of life of patients suffering from this debilitating disease.
Removing the need to produce physical models that illustrate the disease states of OA while at the same time adding a whole new level of easy-to-access information and interaction. Viewable from any angle, and scalable to get a closer look, the AR knee also provides interactive touchpoints that explain what’s happening on a molecular level throughout each stage.
The AR knee experience is supported by a custom web application that provides a user interface for navigation, explanatory molecular-level medical animations, a closer look at treatment options with pros and cons, and link outs to learn more for both patients and medical professionals. The web app is also infused with anonymous analytics tracking, providing the client with comprehensive use data and real-time metrics that feed into their existing metrics dashboard.
Dream Syndicate develops AR and VR applications for all verticals, from Healthcare to the Arts and we’ve been doing it since 2009.