19 Chestnut Street
Haddonfield NJ 08033
PH: (856) 616-2886
FX: (856) 616-9772
We’re award-winning story-tellers…helping our clients decide what to say, to whom to say it, and how to say it. We think. Which means that we provide strategic planning and consultation, branding, corporate positioning, conceptual packaging, market research, and public policy consulting services. And we make things happen. By providing creative and design services, audio and video production, media planning and placement, media relations and training, public and community relations, and special events services.
BP, Burlington County, Burlington County College, Cooper Health System, Forum on the Future of New Jersey, Godwin Pumps, Greater Camden Partnership, Haddonfield Symphony, IEW Construction, New York Shipping Association, Partners in Primary Care, Rutgers University, Salvation Army, Triad Associates, Valero Refining Company-New Jersey
Michael Willmann, Chairman and CEO (michaelwillmann@wmsh.com)
Lori Palmer, Director of Client Services (loripalmer@wmsh.com)
Leslie Irwin, Director of Creative Services (leslieirwin@wmsh.com)
Joy Johnson, Chief Financial Officer (joyjohnson@wmsh.com)