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Social Media and The Future of Hiring

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Social Media and The Future of Hiring

Social Media and the Future of Hiring
By The Neff Team

As a result of the racial reckoning, there has been a greater emphasis on diversity, equity and
inclusion within companies and within our industry.  How has this affected your business from
an economic and HR perspective?  

As the world locked down with the rise of the COVID pandemic in early 2020, people found
themselves with more time on their hands than ever before. With more than four billion people
active on social media, viral video challenges and sourdough bread recipes infiltrated
newsfeeds and the rise of user generated content magnified voices to a larger audience.

#Blackout Tuesday

As the Black Lives Matter movement moved to the forefront of news outlets and newsfeeds
alike sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, social media played host to one of
the most viral movement moments on #BlackoutTuesday. Millions of users blacked out their
feeds in solidarity and as a response to protests happening nationwide.

#BlackoutTuesday acted as a catalyst to social media becoming a resource to amplify
marginalized voices with extreme reach and power in numbers. Social media allows for more
accessible communication and open conversation, and people began to share resources to
become better educated on the issues of systemic racism.

Social Media Showcases Employees Positive Traits

Previously, employers may have shied away from potential job candidates whose social media
content encompassed their political views, with the rationalization that if clients found them on
social it could reflect poorly on behalf of the company. However, Black Lives Matter isn’t a
political movement – it’s a human rights movement.

Employers should see this as a positive in potential candidates. It showcases that these
candidates encourage open dialogue, that they’re willing to have difficult conversations and
work to continuously educate themselves and others. They promote small businesses in their
community that have previously been overlooked, and most of all, that they care about their
communities and want to see good triumph in the world.

After all, we employ humans; humans who come from different backgrounds, have different
experiences in the world, and have the strength and courage to speak up in times of injustice.
Our social media posts should be seen as an opportunity to unify and connect on supportive
levels regarding the #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo movements.

Our social media posts should be seen as an opportunity to unify and connect on supportive
levels. Having a diverse group of employees that can have open dialogue to move towards the
future will always lead to greater success within the workplace.